Sunday, September 4, 2011

Irene's Damage

While most of the Casco Bay region of Maine didn’t experience much damage from Hurricane Irene, the plants at the Lobster Shack in Cape Elizabeth sure did!  The 40+ mile per hour winds combined with salt spray from the ocean created damage like I have never seen before.  

It was amazing to see how the plants (shrubs, perennials, and annuals alike) directly in the path of the strong southeast winds were brown and black while others seemed unscathed.

Can you tell which way the wind way blowing?

These Rosa rugosas were heavily damaged on the southeast side, while right around the corner they remained lush and green.

After cutting back all the dead leaves, branches, and flowers the gardens looked very sparse, almost like spring!  I am going to go back and fill in with some late bloomers like yarrow, crocosmia, asters, a few more mums, and some flowering kale.

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