Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Last steps

I only have a few more projects left to finish up the season.  Just a couple more days of removing the last of the fallen leaves and trimming a few branches before the long winter sets in.  I am looking forward to the snow and colder temperatures!
I thought I would share a couple of the photos from my work these past few weeks...

This flowering kale I pulled while doing a fall clean-up was still showing some amazing color and seemed to ignore the few hard frosts we had recently.

Planting the last of the bulbs!  These crocus were part of a larger grouping I planted along with Chionodoxa (Glory of the Snow) and Galanthus (Snowdrops) and were a mix of purple and white varieties.  I always plant bulbs with a healthy sprinkling of Bulb-tone, a natural and organic 3-5-3 fertilizer made by Epsoma.

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