Monday, July 23, 2012

Recent Blooms

The middle of July is a bright and colorful time in the garden.  So many plants are blooming right now, giving an abundance of colors, textures, and scents to enjoy.  Here are some pictures of a few of my favorites....

Shasta Daisies (Leucanthemum) are a classic, cheery July bloom that make excellent cut flowers.

Lavender flowers have such a wonderful smell and pretty color, and the bees love them too!

Astilbe are one of my favorite shade-loving perennials.  There are so many varieties, offering a number of colors, bloom times, and some even have a lovely subtle scent.  They make a great cut flower or can be dried for everlasting arrangements.

I have been busy lately dead heading old blooms on perennials like nepeta and coreopsis, some of which will bloom again later in August.  Lots of pruning and trimming to do as well.  Spiraea shrubs are finishing up their blooms now and need a good cut, as well as many evergreen shrubs like boxwood and yews.  There is always plenty to do this time of year!

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