Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall Colors

Fall is my favorite time of year.  The air is crisp and cooler and the colors are spectacular.  Wonderful weather to be working outside in, although the days are getting shorter which in turn means winter is one step closer.
Thought I would share a few of my favorite colors this time of year....
Smokebush (Cotinus coggygria) has beautiful maroon foliage all summer but when fall sets in it's leaves brighten to a lovely red, which becomes even more striking when against a backdrop of White Pine.

Another fall favorite of mine is the Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides).  A unique and graceful conifer tree that also happens to be deciduous.  Its green needles turn a lovely yellow-orange this time of year.  It is rare here in Maine but similar to larch trees (Larix sp.), another one of my favorites, in the respect that they are both deciduous conifers.

A real bright spot when mixed with evergreens is the Summersweet or Sweet Pepper Bush (Clethra alnifolia).  I know I have mentioned this shrub several times, but it really is fantastic!  Look at how amazing the bright yellow fall foliage looks when up against a Rhododendron and Pachysandra.

The next few weeks I'll be finishing up in a few more gardens.  Cutting back perennials and wrapping tender, exposed shrubs with burlap to protect them from harsh winter winds and piles of snow.  I am hoping for lots this winter (snow that is)!

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