Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Early Summer Blooms

With temperatures hovering right around 90 the past few days it definitely feels like summer has begun.  The cool spring we had seemed to drag on for too long and slowed the growth a little bit on some plants.  This time of year sees many flowers coming into bloom including one of my favorites, the peony.  A large and stately perennial with gigantic blossoms, some of which smell so good!

Geraniums are another staple of the late spring/early summer.  There are so many varieties to choose from and can be used throughout the garden but are especially lovely along the border.  The geranium sanguineum mounds almost perfectly and is covered with pinkish-purple blooms.

Another of my favorites is Nepeta, or catmint.  The sweet smelling foliage and long lasting purple blooms are loved by both bees and cats.

I am also looking forward to getting some local strawberries too!  I've been seeing the pick-your-own signs out at a few farms in Cape Elizabeth and hope to pick some up soon, they are another one of my favorites this time of year.

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