Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Butterfly Gardens

I recently went to up to Bar Harbor for the first time and visited the Charlotte Rhoades Butterfly Garden,  There were plenty of both blooms and butterflies, like the monarch I saw above on a butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii).  I highly recommend visiting if you are in the area and enjoy seeing beautiful flowers and/or butterflies!  There were some great planting combinations throughout of perennial and annual flowers.  I really liked the echinacea and liatris combo below.

Below is an updated picture of a "Bird & Butterfly" garden I installed a few years ago in Cape Elizabeth (you can see earlier pictures in the gardens section of the website, here).

I love to plant and work in gardens created especially to attract wildlife and insects.  They are not only beneficial to all of these critters by supplying a natural habitat for them to grow and reproduce but to the plants and you as well.  They help to pollinate flowers, keep pests at bay and you get to observe their beauty!

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