Monday, June 9, 2014

Fresh Blooms

I can't believe it has been almost an entire year since I last posted!  Time sure passes quickly when you are busy!  This spring was a little later then normal and has been quite cool up until now.  I don't mind the cool temperatures (even though it makes everything a little slower to grow) as it makes it more comfortable to work.  This spring has been full of edging, dividing, transplanting, mulching, composting, and plenty of weeding!  Out on a job site today in Cape Elizabeth I took a few photos of some really pretty blooms right now, the first is a 'Shasta' Viburnum (Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum).  This heavy late spring bloomer fills it's lateral branches with lovely flower heads.  In the fall the leaves turn a nice dark red-maroon.
The 'Firewitch' Dianthus (Dianthus gratianopolitanus) is another bloomer right now with amazing hot pink flowers.  The silver-blue foliage and subtle fragrance make this a good choice for a spreading groundcover along a walkway or at the front of a garden bed.

Summer is only a few weeks away and I'm really looking forward to some warm days for canoeing, bike riding, and swimming.  I have a few small design projects I will be working on as well as many ongoing maintenance projects.  In addition I've started up another small business growing organic soil-grown microgreens for restaurants called Chickadee Greens.  I've had my first two customers so far and it is very exciting!  You can get more information about it by checking out the new website here (

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